Technical Support Workflow and Response Time SLA

We provide support to everyone – free and commercial customers, as well as trial and beta customers – and we have an internal SLA. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need any help.

Please note that this article covers technical support workflows and the SLA, and it does not extend to sales support. Our sales team normally replies within 24 business hours. Our sales team is regionally-distributed, and their business hours and national holidays vary depending on the region.



Term Definition
FRT First Response Time, the time it takes Us to respond to a query submitted by You.
NRT Next Reply Time, the time it takes Us to provide You with a next reply following FRT.

Support Level Agreement, JetBrains’ commitment to respond to issues in Space reported by Enterprise Customer as detailed below.


Response Times by Request Type

Our business hours are from 9 am to 5 pm CET. Our support team is located in Europe. The response time may be a little longer during national holidays. Tickets with the highest priority are processed regardless of business hours, days of the week, or holidays.


The target range for support request response times depending on the subscription plan:

Plan Space Cloud Space On-Premises
Free Within two business days. Within two business days.
Team By the end of the following business day. N/A
Organization On the same business day. On the same business day.
Enterprise Individual terms. Individual terms.


In addition to being sorted by plan type, requests are also assigned a priority level. An urgent request will be addressed as quickly as possible regardless of the subscription type of the account the request comes from. Other requests levels will be treated in the order of their priority within the timeframe associated with the plan type. For same-business-day requests, the First Reply Time and Next Reply Time depend on the request priority:




Target Standard FRT/NRT


A business-critical component of Space is inoperable or unavailable. Requires an immediate workaround or solution.

Examples: Space hangs or crashes; significant performance degradation; essential functionality is not available.

2/4 hours


Issues are negatively impacting production operations, but the production system is not down; Space is operational but its functionality is seriously restricted.

Examples: A small number of Members are blocked from working in Space; a large number of Members are affected but not blocked; some functionality is not available; Content loss or Content corruption.

2/4 business hours


A non-production issue wherein the majority of functions are still usable. This is a limited condition that can be readily circumvented.

Examples: A small number of Members are affected; some functionality doesn’t work or works partially; noticeable performance degradation.

4/6 business hours


Issue or question that does not affect product functionality, and can be readily circumvented.

Examples: “How to” questions; the text of a message or page of documentation is worded poorly or misspelled; general feedback; feature requests.

6/8 business hours



Support Channels

Zendesk is our main support channel. For immediate attention to your problem, please make sure you submit a request to our support system.


Other Channels


Use the @jetbrains_space Twitter channel for quick questions. Please keep in mind that the response is limited to 280 symbols as well.

Issue Tracker

This channel is mostly used for filing bugs and feature requests. The development team handles the issue tracker, so it cannot be considered as the main support channel. If you’re not sure whether it’s a bug or support request, please file a request, and we’ll turn it into a bug if required.

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