What will happen to my Space subscription?

As of May 28, 2024, Space subscriptions are no longer available for purchase or renewal. We’ll continue to provide technical support and critical updates through May 31, 2025. 

Depending on your current Space plan and subscription, you’ll be able to proceed according to one of the following options:

Space customers with an annual subscription 

  • You can opt in to SpaceCode Preview for Git hosting and code reviews. For issue tracking and CI/CD solutions, we’ll be providing you with complimentary 12-month TeamCity and YouTrack subscriptions.
  • To compensate you for having to migrate certain parts of your data outside of Space, we’ll extend your current Space subscription until May 31, 2025, regardless of when your subscription is set to expire.

Space customers with a monthly subscription

  • You can opt in to SpaceCode Preview for Git hosting and code reviews. For issue tracking and CI/CD solutions, we’ll be providing you with complimentary 12-month TeamCity and YouTrack subscriptions.
  • To compensate you for having to migrate certain parts of your data outside of Space, we’ll extend your current Space subscription until November 30, 2024, regardless of when your subscription is set to expire.

Space Free customers

  • You can opt in to SpaceCode Preview for Git hosting and code reviews until the general availability release of the product. For issue tracking and CI/CD solutions, we’ll be providing you with an indefinite TeamCity On-Premises Professional free plan with 3 build agents, as well as a complimentary 12-month YouTrack subscription.
  • You can use your current Free Space subscription until November 30, 2024, if you use Space Cloud, or until May 31, 2025, if you use Space On-Premises.
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