How are Resources calculated?
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Computation Credits (previously CI credits)
Every Space subscription plan includes a certain amount of computation credits. Computation credits are spent when you run your Automation scripts. Your supply of computation credits is restored on the first day of every month. Your supply of computation credits depends on your organization’s subscription plan and does not correspond to the number of active users in your organization.
One computation credit is equivalent to one minute of work performed by a container with default resources:
- 2 vCPUs (2048 CPU units).
- 7800 MiB of memory.
Usage is calculated based on the resources allocated for a certain container, not on the actual usage within this container. For example, let’s say you use a container with cpu = 512 (0.5 vCPU) and memory = 3900. This container would cost you 0.5 computation credits per minute. Even though it consumes only 0.5 vCPU (512 / 2048 = 0.25 computation credits per minute), it also consumes 3900 MiB of memory (3900 / 7800 = 0.5 computation credits per minute). Because the larger value is taken into account, you would be charged 0.5 computation credits per minute.
When calculating the total number of computation credits used in a given month, we will round off to the nearest full computation credit.
You can apply the overdraft option to computation credits, and the excess computation credits will be included with your other overdraft charges at the beginning of the following month. You can also use General Credits to pay for overdrafted computation credits.
You can find a full description of the billing details and limitations for computation credits in the documentation.
Data Transfer
Every Space subscription plan includes a certain amount of data transfer. The data transfer resource is consumed when you upload or download any data/content to or from Space, for example:
- Pulling from and pushing to Git from the local machine or a remote server.
- Downloading packages from outside Space.
- Uploading attachments to, and downloading them from, Chat and Issues.
- Similar use cases when data or content is uploaded or downloaded to Space, excluding internal Space traffic.
Your data transfer usage is reset on the first day of every month. The data transfer limit in your subscription plan depends on the number of active users in the organization. If some of your active users become inactive during the month, the data transfer limit will be adjusted automatically.
When we calculate the total amount of data transfer for a given month at the beginning of the next one, we will round off the final value to the nearest GB, as the data transfer is charged per GB.
You can apply the overdraft option to your data transfer usage, and the excess usage will be included with your other overdraft charges at the beginning of the following month. You can use General Credits to pay for overdrafted data transfer.
Every Space subscription plan includes a certain amount of storage. Your storage is consumed when you keep data and content in Space, for example:
- Git repositories.
- Packages.
- Chat and Issue attachments.
The amount of storage available to you is constant. It does not reset every month, since the storage limit is set as the “maximum available Storage”, in contrast to the monthly limit for data transfer. The storage limit established in your subscription plan depends on the number of active users in the organization. If some of your active users become inactive during the month, the storage limit will be adjusted automatically.
When we calculate your total used storage at the beginning of each month, we will round off the final value to the nearest GB, as the storage is charged per GB.
You can apply the overdraft option to storage and the amount used in excess of your limit will be included in your overdraft charges at the beginning of the following month. You can exchange General Credits for additional storage resources as an overdraft.
Where do I check resource usage?
You can always check your current usage on the Space Administration | Usage page in your Space organization. It is split by Space modules, so you can easily get a sense of how the resources are being distributed.
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