unable to mirror gitlab repo
Followed by 2 people
Setting up a trial repo to gitlab. Dialog reports successful test connection.
Exceptions from vcs pod(s) - appears to be using invalid URL "http://jb-space-space:9084/~vcs-push-notification/index/<project>-<repo>-<stamp>" instead of "https://jb-space.mydomain.com/..."
Clearly Im missing some setting in my values.yaml but am not sure which.
Also unfortunate as this likely implies I have to tear everything down again to update this setting(s). Please please make it possible to edit these without having to recreate everything.
More: exception in space pods: "jetbrains.vcs.server.api.client.GitApiException: URL: http://jb-space-vcs:19084/~rpc, context: space/<project>-<repo>-<stamp>, method: createRepository, status: 400 Bad Request, body start: Failed to initialize repository. LOCK_FAILURE"
also using incorrect url
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Ethrbunny, talking about the first one, it's an internal call, and using the internal URL is an expected behavior in this case. Please make sure that jb-space-space is the correct service name.
As for the second case, could you please share the entire logs from the vcs pod? Feel free to submit a support request here.
submitted: https://space-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/requests/4741652