How to add gitlab repo as external mirror?

when i add the gitlab repo url to the external mirror , it always says " invalid remote repository url".


Hellowolaiye, thanks for the question! Could you please clarify if you're referring to the Cloud or On-Premises version of Space?


I'm using the On-Premises version of Space and the version is "2022.1.0-BETA". I just installed the space by docker-compose


I just test and find when i add the repository from but not my own custom gitlab service,  it will be succeed. My own custom gitlab repository's url will be like this:ssh://git@{host:port}/{group}/{projectName}.git


Hellowolaiye, the reason for such behavior is clear. Could you please clarify if you use a Docker Compose or Helm installation, so I provide you with the instructions? Thanks!


I installed the On-Premises version of space with docker-compose


Thanks! The thing is that connecting to the Git repositories hosted locally is disabled by default for security reasons. In order to enable it, it's necessary to modify the configuration. Please follow the steps below:

0) If applicable, stop previously running Space installation.
1) Navigate to the home Space directory and start editing the docker-compose.yaml file.
2) Comment the line config: {} under the volumes section at the bottom of the file.
3) Change every reference to the docker volume config to ./config. Example:


- config:/home/init-config/config


- ./config:/home/init-config/config

Note: do this for every docker service definition that references the config object as a Docker volume.

4) Run docker-compose up init-configs.
5) In step 3, we switched the configuration location to a local config folder that should appear in the Space home directory. Please find the following files in this folder:

  • langservice.on-premises.conf;
  • packages.on-premises.conf;
  • space.on-premises.conf;

6) Open file and add there an additional parameter vcs.git.mirror.any=true
7) Remove the current installation with the docker-compose down command, and then start a new one with docker-compose up -d.


The solution work well. Thank you so much!!


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