ON-PREM: Docker configuration
Hello I want to set up the proof-of-concept Docker container so that our developers can decided whether or not we want to buy Space. However, the proof of concept compose file creates services that give OAuth errors (unauthorized_client) whenever we try to connect to the server.
Digging into it a bit, I suspect it's probably an issue with altUrls in the space.on-premises.conf file within the container, and needing to add our FQDN:port to the list, but I'm not quite sure the best way to set that up.
Standing up a whole Kubernetes instance just to evaluate Space would be a big waste of my time given our comfort with using Docker Swarm and our existing Swarm infrastructure. Thanks in advance.
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Hi Jeffrey Watts, you're right, the best way would be to modify space.on-premises.conf and other configuration files. Please find the step-by-step instruction below:
0) If applicable, stop previously running Space installation.
1) Navigate to the home Space directory and start editing the `docker-compose.yaml` file.
2) Comment the line `config: {}` under the volumes section at the bottom of the file.
3) Change every reference to the docker volume config to `./config`. Example:
Note: do this for every docker service definition that references the config object as a Docker volume.
4) Run `docker-compose up -d`.
5) In step 3, we switched the configuration location to a local config folder that should appear in the Space home directory. Please find the following files in this folder:
- `langservice.on-premises.conf`;
- `packages.on-premises.conf`;
- `space.on-premises.conf`;
- `vcs.on-premises.properties`.
6) Edit the configurations related to the `altUrls` for Packages, Space, and VCS by adding your IP to the list.
7) Remove the current installation with the `docker-compose down` command, and then start a new one with `docker-compose up -d`.
It may take some time for all Space containers to start properly. Wait a couple of minutes after the start and then check the results.
If any problem occurs, or a process seems to hang, try to docker stop it and successively docker start it.
Thanks so much Pavel! That worked and I'm having my devs evaluate it now. Thanks again.
Hello Jeffrey,
My name is Leonid, I am a sales engineer for Space.
Hope you had time to evaluate Space. We will really appreciate it, if you could share your feedback. I will also be happy to plan a demo session where we can discuss open questions or concerns. If you think it will be valuable for you, just submit a support request and we will sort it out.
Thanks and have a nice week.
I just tried to follow this procedure (as it is also described in the docs) but I get an error message:
Starting space-on-premises_init-configs_1 ... done
Attaching to space-on-premises_init-configs_1
init-configs_1 | cp: can't create './config/space.on-premises.conf': Permission denied
init-configs_1 | cp: can't create './config/packages.on-premises.conf': Permission denied
init-configs_1 | cp: can't create './config/langservice.on-premises.conf': Permission denied
init-configs_1 | cp: can't create './config/vcs.on-premises.properties': Permission denied
init-configs_1 | gpg: Generating a PGP key
init-configs_1 | gpg: key 1463CFEAA3973218 marked as ultimately trusted
init-configs_1 | gpg: revocation certificate stored as '/root/.gnupg/openpgp-revocs.d/0F9774C31CBE7CC2D5539EA31463CFEAA3973218.rev'
init-configs_1 | gpg: done
init-configs_1 | sed: config/vcs.on-premises.properties: No such file or directory
init-configs_1 | sed: config/space.on-premises.conf: No such file or directory
init-configs_1 | sed: config/space.on-premises.conf: No such file or directory
init-configs_1 | sed: config/vcs.on-premises.properties: No such file or directory
init-configs_1 | sed: config/space.on-premises.conf: No such file or directory
init-configs_1 | sed: config/packages.on-premises.conf: No such file or directory
init-configs_1 | sed: config/space.on-premises.conf: No such file or directory
init-configs_1 | sed: config/space.on-premises.conf: No such file or directory
init-configs_1 | sed: config/space.on-premises.conf: No such file or directory
init-configs_1 | sed: config/space.on-premises.conf: No such file or directory
init-configs_1 | sed: config/space.on-premises.conf: No such file or directory
init-configs_1 | sed: config/space.on-premises.conf: No such file or directory
init-configs_1 | sed: config/space.on-premises.conf: No such file or directory
init-configs_1 | sed: config/space.on-premises.conf: No such file or directory
init-configs_1 | sed: config/space.on-premises.conf: No such file or directory
init-configs_1 | sed: config/space.on-premises.conf: No such file or directory
init-configs_1 | sed: config/space.on-premises.conf: No such file or directory
init-configs_1 | sed: config/vcs.on-premises.properties: No such file or directory
space-on-premises_init-configs_1 exited with code 1
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?
Kind regards,