ON-PREM : Helm : Override the dslCompiler image used via values.yaml
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Due to running our own Certificate Authority, I need to address the following error. But, I can tell that the image being brought down by the automation worker is the default one, and not my specified one.
Automation worker log - showing wrong image being used
20:03:57.885 INFO [WORKER_LOG_LINE@default] INFO c.p.c.r.SingleProcessComposeRunner - 1 container(s) started: public-registry-jetbrains-space-p-space-containers-space-automation-dsl-compile-2022-1-0-BETA-1596_9159041816704179305
20:04:00.089 INFO [WORKER_LOG_LINE@default] INFO c.p.c.r.SingleProcessComposeRunner - Service public-registry-jetbrains-space-p-space-containers-space-automation-dsl-compile-2022-1-0-BETA-1596_9159041816704179305 execution finished with exit code 1
Evidence in which images docker has loaded
webtask@trainintspcwrk001:~$ docker image ls
nexus.webadmin.rainhail.com/rainhail/space-automation-worker-2022.1.0-beta.1596 1.0.0 eb5449fa01ad 3 days ago 563MB
public.registry.jetbrains.space/p/space/containers/space-automation-dsl-compile 2022.1.0-BETA.1596 20d30bc83d3f 2 weeks ago 565MB
1. I am running an automation worker via Docker
2. I am running space via K8S
relevant values.yaml
registry: "nexus.webadmin.rainhail.com/rainhail"
repository: "space-automation-dsl-compile-2022.1.0-beta.1596"
tag: "1.0.0"
In looking at the docker compose file that is being created, it is using the default image, not the one supplied in the values.yaml:
version: "2.4"
image: "public.registry.jetbrains.space/p/space/containers/space-automation-dsl-compile:2022.1.0-BETA.1596"
container_name: "public-registry-jetbrains-space-p-space-containers-space-automation-dsl-compile-2022-1-0-BETA-1596_6478632853887834916"
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While waiting for feedback, I am using this work-around. I am tagging my image with the name of the default image being used by the automation worker.
sudo docker tag nexus.webadmin.rainhail.com/rainhail/space-automation-dsl-compile-2022.1.0-beta.1596:1.0.0 public.registry.jetbrains.space/p/space/containers/space-automation-dsl-compile:2022.1.0-BETA.1596
Hi Brooke Hedrick, could you please share the space-conf ConfigMap details with us for further investigation? Just in case, below is the command needed:
Please submit a support request if there's any sensitive info there. Thanks!
kubectl -n space-ns get cm jb-space-space-conf -o yaml
HI Brooke Hedrick, I just experimented with my local cluster configuration using exactly the same values you shared initially, and the changes have been successfully propagated to the app.conf file. Could you please double-check that all indentation and contexts are defined correctly, as it really seems that Space uses the fallback image values specified in the default values.yaml file?
Pavel Boger,
Where can I find the app.conf file?
Did you notice that the configmap for my space-conf was not updated to the values from my values.yaml?
I have been doing
helm uninstall ..
helm install ...
Each time I make changes to the values.yaml - if that matters.
Brooke Hedrick, that's correct, I referred to the CM configuration you shared previously when talking about app.conf file, and yes, we can see that changes haven't been propagated. Therefore, I asked to double-check that formatting for the automation block is correct.
Instead of reinstalling Space from scratch, let's try to apply value changes to already existing installation. Please create a custom values.yaml file with the custom image parameters beforehand. The commands should look like this:
Hi. We are facing the same (or a similar) problem but on a Docker on-premises installation.
We use a self-signed certificate on Space, and when the container `space-automation-dsl-compile` tries to connect to Space it gets the follow error:
Here is our `.space.kts`
Any tips on how to handle this?
Modestino, could you please refer to the following comment?
The fact is that Space Automation uses multiple container images when the job is initiated, therefore, it's necessary to include custom cacerts to each of these images.