How to connect current account to Google Account?
Followed by 3 people
I just configured the Google auth integration.
It works creating accounts using Google, but I want this feature disabled.
Instead I want users to be able to connect their existing account with Google (or Github or one of the other services)
Is this working and how?
I've added my Google email to my existing account and now getting a 500 error when trying to login with Google (login with password is working)
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When you authenticate with Google, Space tries to find your account by verified email. So if there are user accounts with the verified Google emails, then Google authentication should work even if new user registration is disabled in the Google auth module settings.
As for the 500 error, could you please share JS console logs?
Maxim Mazin
First one
auth.687cebd8bd3ac3ed1a79.js:1 OAuth authentication failed: access_denied: User ABCDEFGHI cannot be authorized because the user is not an organization member
(anonymous) @ auth.687cebd8bd3ac3ed1a79.js:1
s @ 57.97d7ea8cb53a1cc9218d.js:1
(anonymous) @ 57.97d7ea8cb53a1cc9218d.js:1
forEach.t.<computed> @ 57.97d7ea8cb53a1cc9218d.js:1
s @ 57.97d7ea8cb53a1cc9218d.js:1
e @ 57.97d7ea8cb53a1cc9218d.js:1
(anonymous) @ 57.97d7ea8cb53a1cc9218d.js:1
i @ 57.97d7ea8cb53a1cc9218d.js:1
S._invoke @ 57.97d7ea8cb53a1cc9218d.js:1
forEach.t.<computed> @ 57.97d7ea8cb53a1cc9218d.js:1
t.async @ 57.97d7ea8cb53a1cc9218d.js:1
c @ auth.687cebd8bd3ac3ed1a79.js:1
window.onload @ iframe-auth.html:2
load (async)
(anonymous) @ iframe-auth.html:1
Second one
So I tested a little more:
Another difference between these accounts is:
Adrian Did you verify your private gmail address in your Space account?
Maxim Mazin Yes, it is verified.
Adrian Isn't Google authentication limited to your GSuite email domain in Space?
Maxim Mazin
Nothing special (I think)
One strange thing:
Follow up:
When I send an invitation to my broken gmail adress and click the invitation link, the system says I'm already in, even if I'm not (I removed the address from my profile)
It says so when you follow the invitation link while you're already logged in.