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Did you have a plans to integrate or create any time tracker for Space?
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Hello Denis,
We do plan to add time tracking support in Space.
By the way, here is the corresponding request - https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/SPA-5832
It shows up as 404 for me. I guess tracker is not public yet?
It's just a feature request in our tracker, so you can subscribe to it and receive updates. I've changed the request visibility, could you please check it?
Hi JB team,
I would like to provide some suggestion and improvements to the marketing material which you have on official website for Space product. I would like to have infographics with price comparison per product, for example
for $20 https://www.jetbrains.com/space/buy/ I can get something which cover (gitlab, slack, confluence, ehour - team time management tool, etc.)
gitlab: $4, slack $6, confluence $5, ehour $3 => $18 It will definitely improve ability to persuade management to switch at one product instead of this zoo.
From the description on the official website that is not obvious should I have existing plan for upsource to have code review feature on in Space?
Thank you!
I'm still getting `Nope, can't find it!` error on the issue.
Ok, it seems YouTrack requires to be logged in to see Space issues/requests.
Hi all! When will we can try the feature?
when ?
Hi there! As it's been mentioned above, we have this functionality on our roadmap and most likely it'll be added to the future releases of Space. However, the ETA is not available yet. Please subscribe to the Task and our Blog to be updated.