I’m a Space customer. How can I claim my complimentary TeamCity and YouTrack subscriptions?

If your company had an active Space subscription on May 28, 2024, we’d like to offer you 12-month complimentary subscriptions for YouTrack and/or TeamCity, depending on the Space pricing plan you were using at the time. Check the relevant section below to learn which subscriptions you’re entitled to. 

To claim your complimentary subscriptions:

  1. Make sure you have administrator permissions for your company’s profile on the JetBrains Account portal.
  2. Log in to your JetBrains Account.
  3. Navigate to Notifications.
  4. Look for a notification entitled Claim your complimentary YouTrack and TeamCity subscriptions!
  5. Click on the link in the notification to proceed to the checkout. Your 100% discount will be applied automatically.

Depending on your Space plan, you can claim these orders at any time up until:

  • December 31, 2024, for users of free Space plans
  • December 21, 2025, for users of paid Space plans

Each of the offers can only be claimed once. 

What if I accidentally close the notification?

Your free YouTrack and TeamCity offers remain valid until the indicated date, even if you close the notification before claiming them. If you close the notification, you can simply navigate to Buy new license | For my company and select the product you want to claim. Your 100% discount will be automatically applied on the checkout page.

If the discount is not applied, make sure that:

  1. You have administrator permissions for your company’s profile on the JetBrains Account portal.  
  2. You selected the correct product and usage limit. Check the relevant section below to find out which complimentary subscriptions you can receive depending on your Space plan. 
  3. You have not already claimed the offer for the selected product. Each offer can only be claimed once. 

If you have any trouble claiming your complimentary licenses, feel free to contact our Sales team.

Which complimentary subscriptions am I eligible for?

Depending on the Space plan you were using on May 28, 2024, you’ll have access to the following  complimentary subscriptions:

Space Cloud

Your Space plan Your complimentary subscriptions
Space Cloud Free
  • YouTrack Cloud for up to 100 users
Space Cloud Team
  • TeamCity Cloud with 40,000 build credits (5 committers), which is equal to 4,000 Space computation credits
  • YouTrack Cloud for up to 150 users
Space Cloud Organization
  • TeamCity Cloud with 120,000 build credits (15 committers) which is equal to 10,000 Space computation credits
  • YouTrack Cloud for up to 150 users
Space Cloud Enterprise
  • TeamCity Cloud with 520,000 build credits (65 committers) which is equal to 50,000 Space computation credits.
  • YouTrack Cloud for up to 150 users


Space On-Premises

Your Space plan Your complimentary subscriptions
Space On-Premises Free
  • YouTrack Server 100-user pack
Space On-Premises Organization
  • TeamCity On-Premises Enterprise with 10 build agents, which is equal to 10 Space concurrent automation workers
  • YouTrack Server 250-user pack
Space On-Premises Enterprise
  • TeamCity On-Premises Enterprise with 50 build agents, which is equal to 50 Space concurrent automation workers
  • YouTrack Server 250-user pack
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