We planing to migrate to space CI. In past we used teamcity for CICD, and in TC was some properties that can enable incremental build. I try to find how enabling maven incremental building in space CI.
Does space CI has this feature? And when i can find it, if it is?
Thank you for contacting us!
Unfortunately, there is no way to configure "incremental building" in Space CI/CD at the moment. I filed the [SPACE-18261](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/SPACE-18261/Support-Maven-incremental-building) YT ticket for this request. Feel free to upvote and subscribe to it to track further updates.
Also, our team has confirmed that even if someone wants to implement something similar to this feature by calling and passing the needed arguments, it won't work since there are some missed arguments that are import. The YT ticket below will cover some of them but not all:
If this feature is highly requested in your team, please feel free to open the topic again once SPACE-13903 is released.
Let me know if you any additional assistance is needed.
Oleg Beriashvili
The Drive to Develop