ON-PREM: Space crashing in docker-compose
Followed by 2 people
I've tried running Space using docker-compose by first retrieving the compose file:
export SPACE_RELEASE_NAME="2022.1.0-BETA"
curl -O "https://assets.on-premises.service.jetbrains.space/${SPACE_RELEASE_NAME}/docker-compose.yml"
and then simply starting it with
docker-compose up -d
However, the Space container crashes. Since the log is very long if put it up on pastebin:
As far as I can tell the other containers seem to be running:
Name Command State
spaces_elasticsearch_1 /bin/tini -- /usr/local/bi ... Up (healthy)
spaces_init-configs_1 /prepare_configs.sh Exit 0
spaces_langservice_1 /bin/bash bin/langservice ... Up
spaces_minio_1 /usr/bin/docker-entrypoint ... Up
spaces_packages_1 /bin/bash bin/packages /bi ... Up
spaces_postgres_1 docker-entrypoint.sh postgres Up
spaces_redis_1 docker-entrypoint.sh redis ... Up
spaces_space_1 /bin/bash bin/server /bin/ ... Exit 13
spaces_vcs_1 /bin/bash bin/vcs-server / ... Up
I am running the following:
Fedora release 36 (Thirty Six)
Docker version 20.10.18, build aa7e414
docker-compose version 1.29.2, build unknown
I am helpful for any advice :)
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I was able to solve my problem. I needed to remove `podman`, `moby-engine` and maybe some other packages like `runc` and reinstall everything using only components from the docker repository. Details here: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/fedora/#set-up-the-repository
I have docker installed here on openSUSE TW since a long time. And wondering whether I should switch to podman before I set up some more containers, e.g. SPACE on premise. Your messages show that would not be a good idea.
I wonder with both RedHat and SUSE having announced they will phase out Docker in the near future, if I should force myself to stay with docker by using Space on prem?
@Joe, What is your opinion on docker vs podman? Will you keep trying to run Space under podman?