My Expectations were fully disappointed

We tried to install Space with two veteran developers and gave up.


What we expected Space to be

  • We wanted to work together on the same file from different machines and see each other working on the files
  • But we did not want Space to be a Git replacement only


What we expected Space not to do

  • We did not think that we would loose the Git remote, but Space took it all.


After not being able to push to the original repro, we uninstalled Space, but ever since IntelliJ tried to control the Git repro.

We had to copy the project and cherry pick the results afterwards.

What a waste of time.


Did we misunderstand the concept of Space?

Did we misuse it?

Or are simply not qualified to use such high tech tool?

1 comment

Kurt - hi,

Thank you for reaching out to us and I apologize for the late reply.

Am I right that you've created a Space cloud organization, then mirrored a Git repository to the Space project, and then tried to work with this repository from the Space plugin of your IDE? If so, could you please let me know if you tried to set up a synchronized mirror of the GitHub repository (with a webhook that allows the GitHub repo to accept changes from Space

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Margarita Kolotilova
The Drive to Develop


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