What is the best way to access documents via API?
I need to convert some documents and download attachments (see https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/SPACE-16632), but I need it quite fast, so I decided to try to do that via API. It seems that the current docs API is deprecated and does not work for project-wide docs. The deprecation note points to the API that I can't find. How can I download a markdown text for the document and how can I resolve images from links in documents?
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It looks like the new endpoint is still hidden for some reason. I'll clarify with the team and let you know as soon as possible.
Margarita Kolotilova
The Drive to Develop
Thanks a lot. I've actually solved the second problem (image downloading) with a service: https://github.com/altavir/space-document-extractor. I am going to write an article about that when I have time.
It sounds interesting, please share a link to the article if/when it's ready.
As for the endpoints, they are expected to become available in January 2022. I apologize for this inconvenience.
Margarita Kolotilova
The Drive to Develop