Space Automation (ci) maven build that needs a headless chrome...
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My project is built using Maven, and as part of its build it runs a number of Selenium tests. For this I would need to have a headless Chrome with chromerunner present inside the container.
I started with something like this:
job("Build and run tests") {
container(displayName = "Run mvn install", image = "maven:3.8.1-jdk-11") {
service("chromedp/headless-shell:latest") {
shellScript {
content = """
mvn clean install
which at least seems to start the container and start the build, but I'm not sure on how to configure the connections..
The maven build itself starts a Jetty server with the code under test; maven then runs the integration tests which more or less should connect run chromerunner and connect to that jetty inside the main container- but I do not really have a clue how..
Is this something that can be done?
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For posterity: I managed to do this with an image that contained both Maven, Java 11 AND chrome+chromerunner, using the following:
Many thanks to Mark Hobson ;)