Search and Go To Improvements (documents, recents, code)
Followed by 3 people
I use the Go To and Search features very often, and they are great, but there are still a few paint points.
At the moment, documents don't seem to be included in either Search or Go To. Nor does code in a repository.
It would be very convenient to have Go To also include document titles and names of source code files in the main branches of the various repositories.
It would also be very helpful to have a hotkey for search that doesn't automatically include the current location (I find I have to backspace "Chats" out quite often).
Lastly, it would be extremely helpful to have a hotkey with a list of recently visited places (like CMD+E in Idea). I jump back and forth between documents, code review, and chats quite a lot... and it gets a bit tedious.
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Hi Matt, thanks for the feedback! Your suggestions make total sense, we'll have an internal discussion and put them on the roadmap. As a side note, go-to is available for the source code files, however, it works in the context of the project right now. Thanks!
By the way, for removing search context, please hit CMD+K two times.
Thank you! Both of those tips are incredibly helpful and have streamlined our use of Space considerably.