Space as simple CMS

We are searching a solution to create internal company articles with a tool and get the article content via API. Is something like that possible with space.
1 comment

Hello Jan, thanks for the question! Just to clarify: do you plan to use Space for managing internal articles only, or there are plans for using other Space components like chats, code review, automation, team directory as well?

Anyway, there are two options for your use case in Space:

  • Blog posts. You can publish blog posts and share them either with the whole organization or with particular teams, offices, and locations. Blog posts are ordered historically and users can always access them directly from the feed or using search.
  • Knowledge base. With this functionality, you can create a structured library for internal documents, company processes, technical docs, and etc.

Talking about API methods for retrieving the content of articles, they are not available at the moment, however, we have plans for adding them in the future.


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