Audio and video communication
Followed by 13 people
Are there any plans to implement audio and video communication like MS Teams or Slack has?
Screen sharing and group calls would be awesome.
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Hi there, yes, we're going to provide such functionality in the future releases of Space. Please subscribe to our Blog to be updated as soon as it's done. Thanks!
This is urgently need as need to recoup some of the slack costs to offset inc erased costs with space.
I need this feature too
video not need, but audio and screen sharing very need
Audio and screen sharing will be available within "Integrated calls/video chat" feature. No exact ETA is available but currently this feature is under internal testing and stabilisation.
Please stay tuned!
Any news? This feature is so important and is the only reason why we haven't migrate to space. Please also implement a feature create public meetings where externs can join with a link.
It's still under development and we are actively dogfooding peer-to-peer calls but I'd like to avoid providing any ETA regarding the public release date. As for the opportunity to include in meetings people outside of the organization, it will be implemented as a part of SPACE-5844 External Guest Access.
Thanks for the update, is there an up to date roadmap as my company has been paying and using the service with anticipation of time tracking and goes access for nearly a year now and be good to know how much lonfger we have to pay for multiple services and for occasional users
We're planning to update the roadmap for Q4 2022 this month, and publish the roadmap for the next year closer to December 2022. Please stay tuned!
Can you provide the link to the roadmap? Very interested by vocal, video and screenshare too!
Greg Sino - hi!
The JetBrains Space roadmap for Q3-Q4 2022 is available here We plan to publish the roadmap for Q1 2023 in December. Audio and video calls, including screen sharing, are under development and internal testing. Those features are partially available to space insiders, although the public release ETA is not available yet.
Hi, is there any progress with this feature? Are there any estimations on when it will be implemented?
This is the only missing feature which holds our company from transitioning to JB Space. Or should we give up and abandon Space and stick with competing products?