Codeception in jobs

Hello, I'm working on migration of my team projects to JetBrains Space - we develop among others software writen in PHP and we would like to setup codeception tests to Jobs - could I ask for a hint how to do it? Do you have any documentation that can help?

Hi there, thanks for the question! As far as I can see, there's an official Codepection Docker image in Docker Hub. You can use it to start a Job with your tests. A simple Automation script may look like this:

job("Codeception Test") {
shellScript {
content = """
// commands to configure and execute codeception test


Just in case, here's the link to the Automation docs:


Thank you very much for the reply!

I have another question yet
Before tests I have to start mysql service and import the database from sql file, after that I have to setup host, dbname, user and password for PDO - currently I have done this like on screen below but it's not working, could you help with that please? After run I get notification: "mysql: not found"

P.S. we already have identical tests setup on github actions - it would be awesome if we could in simple way translate github yml to .space.kts :D


Permanently deleted user


mysql utility is not part of codeception image

to make target scenario works you should run script within container which has mysql

It works in github actions on github-hosted runners since runner is a VM and its image already has mysql installed


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