Automation: How to assign images tag which depends on build number?


How can I assign container's tag which depends on something which is unique to current build  (e.g build number): 
According to, it should be easy:

JB_SPACE_EXECUTION_NUMBER executionNumber(): String Current build number. For example, you can use it to generate application version number. Learn more

And an example via 'Learn more' link:

kotlinScript { api -> println("Build #" + System.getenv("JB_SPACE_EXECUTION_NUMBER"))

However it doesn't work for me:

push("") {
tag = "0.${System.getenv("JB_SPACE_EXECUTION_NUMBER")}"

I got container with tag  "0.null"

Same if I tried to use space.system.execution_number.

1 comment

Yeah, it is a bit annoying.  It seems that automation variables are properly set only within the `kotlinScript` stanza.  They are available within `shellScript` as environment variables for the specified `interpreter` (for example. `/bin/bash`), but they are not available for `.space.kts`.

Reported it as a bug: 

I am afraid that until it is fixed, it is impossible to assign a docker tag, which is not hardcoded in `.space.kts`.

EDIT: fix typo


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