How to run build step via docker-compose?
Followed by 4 people
Is it possible to run a build step which will execute docker-compose instead of docker? E.g. we've a project where a build end ups with several containers to be build and push. All these steps are already inside docker-compose.yml (to build and run project locally), it will great to have possibility to have a step like:
docker-compose {
file = "../build/docker-compose.yml"
which will execute:
> docker-compose -f $file build
> docker-compose -f $file push
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Sergei, in fact, docker-compose-like steps are not available at the moment. Nevertheless, the team is already working on supporting this functionality, so please stay tuned.
Thanks Pavel, sounds promising
While documentation says "The default image is based on Ubuntu OS and includes Git, curl, Docker, Docker Compose, and Open JDK", I don;t have a docker-compose bin. I can install it via apt or curl, but it does not persist between dev env hibernations. Neither do docker setup steps such are creating volumes and networks.
It is now near the end of December. Space looks like a great way of adding remote developers but for me docker-compose has to work.
also ansible to be honest, since I would like to be able to deploy from a dev environment.
Tim - hi,
Thank you for your question!
Am I right that you are trying to configure the dev environment accordingly to this instruction but it resets after hibernation anyway?
Margarita Kolotilova
The Drive to Develop