Meetings History


I would like to propose an enhancement to the current meetings functionality in Space - the history of meetings.


Note: this can be considered as a part of overall Agile-related functionality.


One of the concerns that I noticed is that there is no ability to pin down certain discussions or meeting results.

We can apply a few workarounds, like:

  • Use Blog to pin down big chunks of discussions, like the choice of core framework or similar.
  • Use chats to continue discussions after meetings.

However, it would be great if using Space meetings I could:

  1. Create a meeting, where meeting form would have Agenda field in a form of simple list.
  2. Participate in a meeting.
  3. During the meeting I would get a form where I could fill in the Resolution and Action Items that has to be taken for each item from the Agenda. This can help to drive the meeting and to stay focused.
  4. At the end of the meeting resulting form could be posted to Blog subdirectory for meetings (?), which can help to figure out what has done throughout project lifecycle.

As a side note, search by action items can be enabled as well.


Thanks for the suggestions. I've logged these all under the following issue. Please feel free to star the issue so you can follow it.


I am getting 404 trying to see the issue


Sorry about that. Can you see it now?




Yes, thank you


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