Dependencies on other JB Tools?
Followed by 5 people
Is Space a all-in-one solution? Or is it a universal front-end for TeamCity, YouTrack, Hub, etc?
In other words, are you still required to install all of these other tools and hook them up to Space?
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Hi Jeff,
Thank you for your question.
TeamCity/YouTrack/Upsource/Hub are not required to run Space. Space is a brand new product which has all features inside.
Hi JB team,
I would like to provide some suggestion and improvements to the marketing material which you have on official website for Space product. I would like to have infographics with price comparison per product, for example
for $20 I can get something which cover (gitlab, slack, confluence, ehour - team time management tool, etc.)
gitlab: $4, slack $6, confluence $5, ehour $3 => $18 It will definitely improve ability to persuade management to switch at one product instead of this zoo.
From the description on the official website that is not obvious should I have existing plan for upsource to have code review feature on in Space?
Thank you!
Great question Jeff Thomas - one that I've been pondering for the last couple of weeks.
And I'm heartened by Artem Rokhin's response, particularly in regard to TeamCity. I presume from this, then, that CI/CD is going to be a built-in component (along with a youtrack-look-a-like). Looking forward to it!