Has someone managed to get a push restriction regular expressions to work?
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As the subject says, any luck with regexes on anyone on this forum?
I've tried the simple (DEAD|BEEF)-\d+ which, to my, and ripgrep's, understanding should match a string: ‘fix: DEAD-1337 Trigger a response’. But no.
Oh man, how frustrating my endeavour has been with setting up Space. Should've voted for GitLab…
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I'm confused by this also. We seem to have an alternating capturing group in common, but I really don't think coming up with a minimal reproduction is worth it, because we don't even know what regex engine is in use. Aren't these things usually specified in documentation?
I filed a ticket via their support request channel about this issue. From there I got the answer:
Your regex must match the entire string. In the example case, this worked: .*(DEAD|BEEF)–\d+ .*
My guess is, as they are the Kotlin company, that they're using the stock JVM RegEx class, and its `matches()` function. I, personally, would've used `find()` function, i.e. substring match.