Can't use another project repository as a golang package

Hi there!

I have two repos in the same space project: service and shared-libs and if I try to use shared-libs as a module in service, I will get error.

go:**/**/service/cmd/srv imports**/**/shared-libs/clock: reading**/**/shared-libs/go.mod at revision v1.0.0: git ls-remote -q origin in /go/pkg/mod/cache/vcs/d11e012419cedecaa3d23d8838eefd7cedf027a5d808714b273ffd5462c2f517: exit status 128:
	Host key verification failed.
	fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

My .space.kts looks like:

job("Checking source") {
    startOn {
            branchToCheckout = CodeReviewBranch.MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE

    parallel {
        container(displayName = "Linting", image = "golangci/golangci-lint:latest") {
            shellScript {
                content = "golangci-lint --exclude-use-default=false run ./..."

        container(displayName = "Unit testing", image = "golang:latest") {
            shellScript {
                content = """
                    # Get dependencies
                    go mod vendor
                    # Run tests
                    go test -coverprofile coverage.out -race $(go list ./... | grep -v /vendor/)
                    # Display coverage
                    go tool cover -func=coverage.out
1 comment

Me Hi,

Unfortunately, the issue here is with the SSH command used while getting the source code from the initial repo. To avoid the “Host key verification failed” error, you can add “-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no” and point to the right path ("${'$'}JB_SPACE_STEP_DATA_PATH/system/id_rsa") where the SSH key for the Automation job is. This needs to be done before calling the Go modules. Here is the snippet with an example:

job(...) {
    container(image = "alpine/git:latest") {
        shellScript(displayName = "Clone other repo") {
            content= """
                set -e
                chmod 400 ${'$'}JB_SPACE_STEP_DATA_PATH/system/id_rsa
                export GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -i ${'$'}JB_SPACE_STEP_DATA_PATH/system/id_rsa -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -F none -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"

                git clone ssh://

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