On Premise: After setting up production web returns "Connection to server timed out"
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after going through this documentation: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/space/configure-space-for-docker-compose-production-environment.html I ended up after login screen with this:
On server are some errors that I don't understand and don't know how to fix it.
root@server /s/a/space-on-premises# docker logs 3a8ff3f1ca11 | grep ERROR
2023-08-30 10:01:51.531 [ktor-server-jetty-273] ERROR Application [dbType=postgresql, trace_id=7273053243568072032, orgDomain=space, orgId=3140828502057818121, dbKey=postgres] - Websocket handler failed
2023-08-30 10:01:58.963 [ktor-server-jetty-275] ERROR Application [dbType=postgresql, trace_id=7273053351076604728, orgDomain=space, orgId=3140828502057818121, dbKey=postgres] - Websocket handler failed
root@server /s/a/space-on-premises# docker logs 983b8061b150 | grep ERROR
[2023-08-30 10:33:29,913] ERROR [or-jetty-8080-1] Application - Unhandled exception caught for CoroutineName(jetty-call-handler)
root@server /s/a/space-on-premises# docker logs f2d2abc1fa9e | grep ERROR
[2023-08-30 09:55:28,504] ERROR [-pool] shared-3] circlet.platform.a.l.c.e [dbType=postgresql, trace_id=7273051783170994464, txOriginName=ApplicationLifecycle:startServices:circlet.packages.server.db.PackagesMetaDBConnection:create locks table and check schema, dbKey=postgres] - Deployment branch was not specified for production environment, env value is null
[2023-08-30 10:17:43,384] ERROR [-pool] shared-3] circlet.platform.a.l.c.e [dbType=postgresql, trace_id=7273057516946146641, txOriginName=ApplicationLifecycle:startServices:circlet.packages.server.db.PackagesMetaDBConnection:create locks table and check schema, dbKey=postgres] - Deployment branch was not specified for production environment, env value is null
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Jan Zenisek thanks for reporting this! Could you please share the entire logs from all Space containers? Please also share your nginx configuration if it differs from the one provided in our guide. Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Ok, docker-compose logs are here (its too big), and there is nginx configuration:
I found one oddity, in Firefox it reports me an error even on jetbrains.space, but when I open both my instance or cloud in another browser or in anonymous mode in Firefox, it works normally. I have AdBlock turned off.