Space OnPremise: Self-hosted docker worker on different host does not work - network declared as external, but could not be found
Followed by 2 people
I hope that you can help me understand how to start a worker on a different host than the space installation.
I have deployed Space OnPremise with docker-compose and it works. However I have a problem with adding a self-hosted worker. If I add the self hosted worker to the same docker-compose file it just works like a charm.
What I want to do is to run the worker on a totally different machine. I can start the worker without problems, it also connects to space and shows healthy. But every time the .space.kts script is processed I run into the following error message:
Failed to start: Compose up finished with exit code: 1. Output: option '--no-ansi' is DEPRECATED ! Please use '--ansi' instead. network space-on-premises_backend-data declared as external, but could not be found.
space-on-premises_backend-data is the network that has been declared in the docker-compose file of Space itself.
Does anybode know how to get around that issue? I really do not want to run the self hosted worker on the same machine. I also tried running the binary instead, but I run into exactly the same issue.
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Hello Michael Huber!
Could you please try to create docker network on the worker by running the below command and check if the issue still persists?
docker network create space-on-premises_backend-data
Hello Oleg,
thanks for your response! That solved the problem. I additionally needed to change minio to make it available from the remote worker host and change the URL in the space config accordingly, but now it works