marketplace apps still supported?
Followed by 3 people
Ive tried installing a few of these: issues dashboard, getemoji, etc but none of them appear to work. Perhaps there are installation steps not documented? Or maybe they are only supported on an earlier version?
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Ethrbunny Hi!
There seems to be an issue with the "GetEmoji" app and its endpoint. Thank you for the report!
As for the "Issues dashboard" app, I didn't observe any noticeable issues. Could you please tell me what went wrong? Just in case, here is "Get Started" for it:
What other apps have you tried and what didn't work?
"issue dashboard" doesn't show up in the menu.
I get this message from the 'setup' window: "Failed to connect to application server"
Ethrbunny, Could you please clarify if you are running Space Cloud or On-Premise instance?
On prem. In AWS/EKS.
Ethrbunny, I just managed to reproduce the same behavior. We'll contact the developer of this integration and check what might be the case. Stay tuned.
Same for the 'summit' app. Got a 404 when I tried to install it.
'vonjy' too