Git: Incoming Limits Exceeded
Followed by 3 people
I have a space site that contains many small repositories. Each of these repositories are build in an associated TeamCity cloud instance. Suddenly today all my TeamCity projects are failing to fetch VCS changes with the following message
Failed for the root '"ssh://<URL>#refs/heads/master" ... fatal: limits exceeded. Incoming traffic limit exceeded. 0B remains
I am not seeing any billing issues or graphs in my Space that would suggest I am hitting a storage or transfer limit. Can anyone help me understand what this limit is and how I can resolve this problem?
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I am having the same issue. Any movement on this yet?
You can check the Data Transfer usage of your Space organization via Administration -> Billing & Plans -> Data Transfer section. If something is unclear or unexpected with those numbers, please file a support request here and share with us the name of your Space instance and a screenshot of the Data Transfer section.
We'll be glad to assist.
Yep, Migrating my server killed my data transfer for the month. Guess I have to find a new solution if I want to work for the next two weeks. Ouch.