[On-Prem / Docker] How to migrate a local git repository to space?


I am trying to migrate a git repository into space. Via the https://www.jetbrains.com/help/space/create-a-repository.html#new-migration method. What options do I need to set in the fields in order to import a local file based repository? Any combination I tried so far failed with "Connection failed".

Thank you for your help.


Niklas Karcher, do you mean the Git repo is stored locally and has no remote? If so, the process should be the following:

1. create an empty repo in Space (without the Initialize repository option);
2. create a bare clone of the local repo:

git clone --bare /path/to/local/repository /tmp/bare-clone.git

3. change the remote in the bare clone repo to the Space one:

git remote set-url origin git@git.jetbrains.space/o/p/bare-clone.git

4. push the repo to the remote:

git push --mirror origin

Wonderful, the without the Initialize repository option was what I was looking for. I must have overlooked it.

Thank your for the quick help!


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