Deployments: start in one automation - finish in an other one
Followed by 2 people
My current process needs to be like:
- Automation of code-repository builds and pushes some docker-image into registry - which "starts" the deployment in that project
- The CD system fetches the freshly built image, rolls it out and pushes the rolled out version back into an OTHER repository (completely asynchronous process!)
- Automation of secondary repository kicks in and marks the deployment as "finished"
For now the primary automation does all - it starts the deployment (as desired) but after it dockerBuildPush'ed the image it sets the deployment directly to "finished" (not desired).
Snippet primary automation:
job("Create application release")
startOn {
gitPush {
branchFilter {
tagFilter {
+"release/*" // only run on tagged releases
container("Run deploy script", image = "gradle:7.1-jre11")
kotlinScript { api ->
project = api.projectIdentifier(),
targetIdentifier = TargetIdentifier.Key("deploy-to-staging"),
version = api.gitBranch().split("/")[3],
syncWithAutomationJob = false)
... (here goes the build-push and stuff)
The secondary automation also works fine (it is a "shellScript" utilizing curl-call to api on
which successfully re-sets the finish/complete state.
Both repos are in the very same project - just said.
Any further ideas/tipps/hints how to prevent the "finish"-state in primary automation?
Thanks and regards,
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Must have been some... asynchrounous problem. It actually works. :D
If the issue repeats, could you please generate a log file and share it with the Space Support team? In case you would like to avoid sharing the data publicly, feel free to use a ticketing form: