Automation Service View keys of secrets

I recently started trying JetBrains Space as our CI tool but I am currently stuck trying to kick off my test service Gradle build in a container with the following error: "Failed to resolve the following keys: [artifactory-password]".

I have defined `artifactory-password` as a Secret under Project Settings | Access.. Upon reading the relevant documentation (, it suggests that it requires Automation Service permission: Project Secrets → View keys of secrets, Use secrets.

However, I am unable to edit said permission as page is read-only for and there doesn't seem to be anything suggesting that it's a Premium-only feature..  did I miss anything??



Hi Alex Arana, in fact, the Automation Service should have access to project secrets and parameters by default (even if this role can't be modified on a Free plan). Would you please double-check if you have Use secrets and View parameters permissions in Project settings -> Access -> Automation Service?

Please also share your automation script (.space.kts), so I could check the details. Thanks!


I checked Project settings -> Access -> Automation Service and can confirm that I have access to Use secrets but not View parameters as per screenshot below:

Below is a copy of my automation script:

job("Build and run tests") {
container(displayName = "Run gradle build", image = "amazoncorretto:11") {
env["GRADLE_ARGS"] = Params("gradle-args")
env["ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_artifactoryUrl"] = Params("artifactory-url")
env["ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_artifactoryUsername"] = Params("artifactory-url")
env["ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_artifactoryPassword"] = Secrets("artifactory-password")
kotlinScript { api ->
api.gradlew("clean build \$GRADLE_ARGS")

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